NY Yankees
You can go anywhere in the world and find someone in a Yankees cap.
Gehrig. Ruth. Jeter. Jay-Z. The Georges (Steinbrenner & Costanza). The Yankees brand crosses over beyond baseball–it’s about the greatness of New York and a franchise with a relenting push for excellence. While the brand is one of the most recognizable in the world, the Yankees still have more than 54,000 seats to fill over the course of 81 home games a season.
We’ve got 4.3 million seats to fill.
Balancing the team’s heritage with messaging that drives ticket sales is a fine line to walk, so we worked alongside the Yankees internal team to define and differentiate various audiences and strategies to reach them. From each of these audiences, an extensive bank of consumer-facing messaging was developed so that the Ticket Sales and Digital team could deploy them instantaneously as the season’s storylines unfolded. Social Media content revolved around the team’s #PinstripePride work, while additional micro-social campaigns were developed around big season moments, like the retirement of legendary and beloved pitcher CC Sabathia.

The team was able to break the key three-million fans mark by more than 300,000 fans, despite an overall downturn in attendance across Major League Baseball. The more focused, yet brand-centric approach also yielded the highest clickthrough rates on digital advertising the team had ever recorded.