Philadelphia Phillies
162 games provides more stories than your Netflix home screen.
Founded in 1883, The Philadelphia Phillies’ first games were recapped in The Quaker City Gazette and now find themselves adapting to a TikTok world. So they’ve partnered with T&C to help connect the team with the modern fan while building upon the team’s history. Because whether it was the Gazette’s flowery prose or today’s chaotic 15-second loops, we believe timeless baseball truisms still work:
Stories matter. People connect with characters. Everyone digs the long ball.

Our 2021 opening hype video came at a pivotal moment: the team was welcoming fans back to the ballpark for the first time in more than 550 days. The Phils secured superstar Bryce Harper to be the voice of the video, so our script came from his voice, as we flipped a sport obsessed with numbers on its head. It appeared to get fans adequately hyped for the season ahead.
While hype is a goal at the start of the season, the team also wanted to add hope and connect people to the storied brand of Phillies baseball and what Opening Day means to the city and fans.
Our “Opening Day #138” video, voiced by the Phillies play-by-play announcer Scott Franzke, dropped just before first pitch and judging by reactions, it connected on an emotional level.
Our partnership with the Phillies began at one of the strangest times in the team’s history: the 2020 return of baseball. Beyond an extremely compressed and high-stakes schedule, ticket sales weren’t even an option. So hype was truly our #1 goal. To do that, we looked beloved former Phillies shortstop and fortune teller Jimmy Rollins whose 2007 prediction is legendary:
I think we are the team to beat in the NL East — finally.
It was crazy at the time, and then, it kinda came true, with a World Series win only a year later. And so, 13 years later, we channeled it into a new prediction.

Despite the Covid-based limitations on new footage and recording, our partners at the Phillies did an awesome job bringing our concept and script to life in the edit.
Through the first two seasons of our partnership, we’ve kicked off each season by hyping fans and making our clients at the Phillies just as excited. The Bryce Harper narrated video exceeded one million views on social channels in less than a weekend, while the 2020 video was viewed more than 818.5K times across the Phillies social channels and website, earning more than 106K total likes, comments, and shares. We’ve also lost count of how many people threatened to run through walls and/or experienced face-melting.